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Se puede contactar al asesor del anuario por correo electrónico a yearbook@smithtec.orgHealth Forms and mail to:


SVAHS - Summer Youth Program

80 Locust Street

Northampton, MA 01060


Folleto publicitario comercial

July 12 - 15, July 19 - 22

and July 26 - 29


for students entering grades 6, 7 & 8

Programs To Be Determined

Please check back after March 26th 

Tour de Cuisine: Cultivating the Young Culinarian

If you have a passion for food, then this program is for you. Every week different culinary delights will be prepared, so feel free to sign up for multiple classes. The third week will be an advanced class finishing with a family dinner.


Week 1 July 6-9

1. Mejorar el currículo escolar para aumentar el nivel de habilidad del estudiante.

2. Proveer avance social adicional en una atmósfera de lugar de trabajo.

4. Proporcionar una atmósfera de instrucción diferente a la que está disponible en el programa de taller escolar tradicional.

8:30a - 3:30p

La oportunidad de trabajo cooperativo se origina en cada departamento donde se determinará la elegibilidad e idoneidad del estudiante en función de las calificaciones, la asistencia y una recomendación del instructor. La decisión final para la cooperativa se basará en una imagen compuesta de la recomendación del instructor, el consejero de orientación, el administrador y el coordinador de colocación cooperativa. Los empleadores evalúan a los estudiantes y presentan informes que dan como resultado calificaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes en su especialidad técnica. Durante los últimos años, la mayoría de nuestros adultos mayores fueron colocados en puestos de trabajo cooperativo antes de graduarse.


Week 3 (Advanced *) July 20-23

8:30a - 3:30p Mon. - Wed.  8:30a - 7:30p Thur.

$399 includes lunch for participants and Thursday dinner for families prepared during the day.

* (pre-requisite - Basic Course or instructor's permission)

Entering the World of Cosmetology

Do you know the difference between a French braid, a fishtail, and a corn row?  Join us for a fun-filled exploration of the world of Cosmetology.


Everyone will leave with a personal color make-up kit and supplies to take home at the end of the week.  


Week of July 6-9 

8:30a - 12:30p

$220/week includes make-up kit and supplies

Week of July 13-16

8:30a - 12:30p

$220/week includes make-up kit and supplies

Plan de Acomodación del Currículo del Distrito (DCAP)


Design and build your own longboard. Students will experience two different shops and learn basic woodworking, and graphic design skills.


Students will walk away with a super custom longboard they will be proud to ride and show off to their friends.  


We will focus on shop safety, how to use of some the power tools that are found in the carpentry shop and the basics of applying a spray finish.

Week of July 6-9

8:30a - 3:30p


Criminal Justice League

This week long program will provide young citizens with a brief introduction to the field of criminal justice. 


Our goal is to create a fun learning environment in which students will be exposed to classroom instruction, hands-on police tactics training, and physical training. 


Instructors will cover a variety of topics including crime scene investigation, defensive tactics (self-defense & handcuffing), and K-9 demonstrations.  Each day will start with light physical training and/or military drill.  


Week of July 6 - 9 

8:30 am-12:30 pm 

Week of July 13 - 16 

8:30 am-12:30 pm  


Week of July 20 - 23 

8:30 am-12:30 pm

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