Cooperative Employment
The Cooperative Employment program at Smith Vocational is an instructional component of a student's experience and growth at the school. Co-op students earn wages while gaining valuable work experience. Students who qualify can participate in the cooperative work program during their shop week, alternating a week of employment with a week in academic classes. Offered to eligible juniors (on the 91st day of junior year) and seniors, cooperative employment is geared to students who excel in both shop and academics while demonstrating a positive attitude through attendance and behavior. Employment experience is matched as closely as possible to the needs of each student.
The Cooperative Work program serves a variety of purposes:
1. Augmenting the school curriculum in increasing the skill level of the student.
2. Providing additional social advancement in a work-place atmosphere.
3. Providing a wider variety of trade experiences than are available in the student's chosen shop.
4. Providing a different instructional atmosphere than is available in the traditional school shop program.
The Co-op Coordinator and Department Head work together with our Cooperative Employment Partners to evaluate students.
Questions on Cooperative Employment can be directed to Mr. Jeffrey Lareau, Cooperative Employment Coordinator at or via phone at 413-587-1414 ext. 3450.
The Flow Chart below shows the potential paths for a student who initiatives the Cooperative Employment process.
Click Here To See The District's Cooperative Employment Policy